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Discover more about Cliff Boat Safaris

Cliff Boat Safaris in Kenya offer a different perspective of the area, in particular of wildlife in the water like hippos, waterbucks, birdlife, and more.

The Experience

The Experience

Boat safaris in Kenya offer a different perspective of the area and are perfect for bird-watchers and photographers.



Explore our destination in Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya.

Cliff Boat Safaris
"Clearly the highlight of this trip was the boat safari which was the best I have ever experienced in any country. We were served champagne, fresh breads and a host of other goodies as the tour guides (an experienced fisherman and a climate scientist and ecologist with an M.Sc. in her field) took us across the lake and explained every facet of the trip and the unique ecosystem and habitat. This was by far the best lake cruise I have been on and was educational, informative as well as fun for the kids."
"Nakuru is famous for birds and The Cliff's Mary is an expert on birds. She walked us through the property and showed us many species. She helped me track down a bird I'd wanted to see. We took a boat tour and Mary and Captain Suleiman was so knowledgeable and so eager to show us the best that Nakuru had to offer. We were bowled over. And the food on the tour... oh! Wow! It was a feast in the middle of the lake."
Debashri S